SOAP Journal – 22 September 2016 (Genesis 2:25)

And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.

Genesis 2:25

Nudity is exposure. Exposure means that we are hiding nothing.

The man and his wife hid nothing from one another and were unashamed.

The man and his wife also hid nothing from God, Who regularly visited the Garden of Eden (as we see later in the book).

This is a picture of the way things are supposed to be; of perfection.

My wife and I are intended to be able to enjoy intimacy that hides nothing. Not one thing.

God also intended that He and I could enjoy that same level of intimacy. He wants me to be unabashedly and unreservedly real with Him. He also wants to reveal as much of Himself to me as possible.

Father, I live in a shameless culture and shameless times. While many do not seem to be ashamed, there is much for us to be ashamed about. Please forgive me for the pretenses I set up to hide myself from You. Please strip me bare of pretense and excuse and work in me until I can stand naked before You and not be ashamed.

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